Books en videos about Ford & Fordson

 Vintage Tractor Special No. 1

This serie books from Allan T Condie Publications are known as very detailed and are a must for owners who want to know all about the history and modifications of there tractor.
No. 1 is all about the Fordson Dexta 957E's from 1957 to 1964.
The small book of just 40 pages tells the story form the Ford 9 NAN until the Fordson Dexta Manual-Roadless 4 WD with all models and cast numbers.

The ISNB number is 0-907742-71-8

 Vintage Tractor Special No. 10

No. 10 tells the story about New Major E1A's from 1951 to 1964. The first part is about the history and development of this model. The next part tells you the different between the models and some conversions. This is illustrated with pictures. The next chapter is more about technical details also with drawings and pictures. From pages 50 there are drawings that show the changes during the production period. Finally, an overview of casting codes, production numbers and serial numbers. The small book of 64 pages is loaded with information about The Fordson E1A .

The ISNB number is 0-907742-96-3

 Fordson part 1

Traktoren von Fordson & Ford 1917 - 1964 part 1 is written by Gerald Sandrieser and Hartmut Lindner. The German-language book numbers 335 pages and is published by Verlag Klaus Rabe. It described and shows all tractor models from 1917 to 1964. Also various brochures are shown.

The ISNB number is 978-3-926071-43-9

 Ford part 2

Ford tractor 1964 - 1981 part 2 is also written by Gerald Sandrieser and Hartmut Lindner. The German-language book has 232 pages and has been published by Verlag Klaus Rabe. All models of tractors from 1964 to 1981 are shown and described in it.

The ISNB number is 978-3-926071-46-0